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Most of the ideas below had a 2 year payback or less...

  • General Motors - Identified $1.6 million/year in compressed air system savings.

  • Citizens National Bank - Lighting project that reduced costs by 65%.

  • Battelle - Identified $280,000 in savings opportunities with a 25% rate of return.

  • Tulsa International Airport - $4.3 million self-funding performance contract for existing terminal saved $10 million.

  • Tulsa International Airport - New terminal design modifications worth $1 million in savings.

  • Lockheed Martin - Recommendations that would yield a 200% return on investment.

  • JCI Automotive Systems Group - Helped develop & build two $15 million battery factories.

  • JCI Controls Group - Lighting project that reduced costs by 45% and improved productivity by 2%.

  • BAMA Pie - Waste reduction process improvements worth $2.4 million/year

  • Hertz - Developed $4 million predictive maintenance service contract to reduce downtime.

  • Phillips - Lighting and controls projects over $1.5 million.

  • Conoco - Chiller and HVAC projects over $1 million.

  • Visteon - Lighting and variable speed drive projects worth over $1 million.

  • HILTI - Metering and controls projects over $200,000.

  • PriceSmart - Recommendations that would save 8% of their total energy bill.

  • Oberlin Color Press - "Wet-side economizer" for a process saving $63,500/year

  • Baker Petrolite - Electrical grounding project to improve safety and reduce explosion risk.

  • Oklahoma State University - Lighting audits identified over $100,000/year in savings.

  • United States Public Health Service - Various audits with savings over $100,000 per year.

  • Hundreds of additional audits within small facilities that yielded over 170,000 in savings/year per facility.

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